December 19, 2024 | Other Activities
Defending the country is not just about taking up arms, but also about our active role in developing the country. As part of the statistical people, we take part by providing accurate and reliable data to support strategic policies that advance Indonesia.
Through statistics, we contribute to realizing sustainable development, creating evidence-based policies, and maintaining the nation's economic stability. Let's together, from our respective fields, take a real role in defending the country.
Because every small step we take is part of a big step for Indonesia. 🌏📊✨
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Subulussalam (Statistics Subulussalam Municipality)
Jl. Raja Tua Kompleks Perkantoran Walikota Subulussalam Desa Lae Oram
Kota Subulussalam 24782 Indonesia
Telp/Fax (0627) 31750
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