November 21, 2024 | Other Activities
The Subulussalam City Central Statistics Agency held an evaluation of metadata, PSS, Beautiful Village 2024 and preparation for PSS 2025 on Thursday, November 21 2024 in the Subulussalam City Bappeda Office Hall. The event, which was opened by Mr. Ibnu Hajar as Assistant III for Subulussalam City, invited 5 SKPKs, the sub-district heads of each sub-district and eight related villages.
The material was delivered in the form of a talk show presented by Mrs. Arma Juwita, S.Tr.Stat as moderator, with two presenters namely Mr. Tri Wahyudi, S.Stat who presented material on strengthening the quality of implementation of sectoral statistics and Mrs. Suciarti Pertiwi, S.Tr.Stat who delivered material material related to developing a statistical love village
There has been an increase in the Statistical Development Index (IPS) value for Subulussalam City from 2022 to 2024. With 5 (five) domains assessed, the results obtained in 2024, the IPS value reached 2.23, which is in the sufficient category. This means that the process of organizing sectoral statistics has been carried out by all work units, but still uses standards that only apply to the work unit itself. This number was symbolically given to Assistant III along with the Social Sciences book by Mrs. Ir. Sudariah.
Starting from the limitations of data collection carried out by the hamlet head, the idea was to prepare a web entry for population data in Lae Oram Village. This web entry can be managed by the village and is able to display aggregate data visualizations automatically. Another innovation made was the preparation of village profiles which were prepared jointly and coordinated by Mrs. Bunga Ria and Mr. Musmulyadi as statistical ambassadors and village operators. Apart from that, with the direction of Mr. Zakaria as Head of Lae Oram Village, a village monograph was also prepared which was posted at the village office.
The presentation of the results of the development of beautiful villages was witnessed by the village head, operator and ambassadors of the village of love statistics from village representatives in each sub-district. The villages consist of Subulussalam Village, North Subulussalam, Mukti Makmur, Kampung Baru, Sepadan, Cipari-Pari and Lae Saga. These seven villages are villages participating in the Subulussalam City BPS Head's actualization program entitled LENTIK SPECIAL in 2023. The hope is that Lae Oram Village can be the initiator of implementing innovation and can be implemented in seven other villages.
In the closing sentence, Head of Subulussalam City BPS Ir. Sudariah emphasized that the evaluation was carried out with the aim of achieving and maintaining progress according to targets in a sustainable and comprehensive manner. Structured collection and development of data governance are challenges we face together to achieve One Indonesian Data and better data quality.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Subulussalam (Statistics Subulussalam Municipality)
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